DiSanto Announces Historic Preservation Grants for Projects in Dauphin, Perry Counties

Harrisburg – Senator John DiSanto (Dauphin/Perry) today announced the awarding of Keystone Historic Preservation Grants to support projects in Dauphin and Perry counties.

The City of Harrisburg received a $13,500 grant to identify environmental and structural issues at site of the 19th Street Armory as it explores reusing or selling the site. A significant piece of Pennsylvania’s military and architectural history, the 82-year-old building has been subjected to blight and now sits on an empty corner in an otherwise lively area.  

“The 19th Street Armory is part of the narrative of the military history of Harrisburg and Pennsylvania,” said DiSanto. “This state assistance will help the city explore options for the building and give new life to this architecturally and historically significant structure.”

Friends of Fort Halifax Park received a $17,746 grant to explore evidence to positively identify the location of the fort in Fort Halifax Township Park. Earlier projects found buried features and recovered military and domestic artifacts dating from the mid-18th century that could be associated with the fort.

“Over the last decade, small archeological investigations have uncovered evidence of the location of Fort Halifax. This grant will allow the Friends of the Fort Halifax Park to follow up on that work with a 2021 school and volunteer field project aimed at further pinpointing the location,” said DiSanto.

The Historical Society of Dauphin County will receive a $10,000 grant to continue the preservation of the National Historic Landmark John Harris-Simon Cameron Mansion site.

“The Historical Society identified the site’s most pressing projects, including the restoration of the bell on the mansion grounds and the John Harris gravesite. This grant will help fund this important work,” DiSanto said.

The Historical Society of Perry County received a $25,000 grant to take the results from a recently completed master plan and create an architectural and engineering plan from which the restoration of the Clark’s Ferry Tavern may begin.

The grants were among 52 awarded statewide by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission through the Keystone Historic Preservation Grant Program.

The program is used to fund preservation, rehabilitation and restoration activities of historic sites that are eligible for or listed in the National Register of Historic Places. PHMC grants also can be used for planning activities that support the preservation of historic properties.

All applicants are required to provide a 50 percent cash match in order to show a commitment from the sponsoring organization.


CONTACT: Chuck Erdman cerdman@pasen.gov (717) 787-6801

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