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Week of March 26, 2018

In this Edition:

  • Senate Approves Bill Reforming Prison Closing Process
  • Other Bills Approved by Senate and sent to House
  • Bills Sent to Governor for Enactment
  • Committee Roundup
  • Community Calendar
  • Up Next

Senator DiSanto and Representative Mark Keller welcome West Perry Elementary School students to the Capitol for a visit on March 26.

Senator DiSanto and Representative Mehaffie join the Dauphin County commissioners for the Capital Area Greenbelt Association groundbreaking for $7.5 million in improvements along the 20 mile trail. 

Senate Approves Bill Reforming Prison Closing Process

The Senate approved legislation on Tuesday intended to reform the process by which state prisons are closed in Pennsylvania.

On January 6, 2017, the Department of Corrections announced plans to close two of five selected state correctional institutions.  A final decision for closures was set for January 26, leaving only 20 days to gather feedback from the public, the institutions’ employees, local government officials and legislators.

Senate Bill 748 ensures there is adequate notice and consideration of any proposed closure of a state correctional institution or other facility that employs law enforcement staff. The bill sets specific notification requirements and requires the development of strategies to minimize the stress on employees and local communities. 

Other Bills Approved by Senate and sent to House

Senate Bill 114 allows a sewer authority to obtain a court order to terminate sewer service to commercial customers who are at least 6 months delinquent in payment of their sewer bills.

Senate Bill 263 eliminates the requirement that disabled voters — with permanent absentee voter status  — submit a written statement every four years.

Senate Bill 762 requires an external performance audit of the Pennsylvania Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors and the process by which voter registrations records are entered and maintained. 

Senate Bill 776 extends the Dyslexia and Early Literacy Intervention Pilot Program.           

Bills Sent to Governor for Enactment

House Bill 1486 exempts “high tunnels” from the requirements of the Storm Water Management Act.

House Bill 1854 designates a portion of Route 522 in Snyder County as the Staff Sgt. Stanley R. Saylor Memorial Highway.

Committee Roundup


The Senate Appropriations Committee approved six bills on Monday.

Senate Bill 263 eliminates the requirement that disabled voters — with permanent absentee voter status — submit a written statement every four years.

Senate Bill 439 requires carbon monoxide detectors in child care facilities.

Senate Bill 521 adds CPR instruction to the education curriculum for high school students.

Senate Bill 762 requires an external performance audit of the Pennsylvania Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors and the process by which voter registrations records are entered and maintained. 

Senate Bill 776 extends the Dyslexia and Early Literacy Intervention Pilot Program.

Senate Bill 880 allows trailers up to 102-inches wide on Pennsylvania highways. 

On Tuesday, the committee held a hearing on the proposed budgets from the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services. Representatives offered an update on the proposed consolidation of the two agencies. Other topics of discussion included:

  • The effect of procurement contract disputes on consolidation.
  • The reauthorization of hospital assessments and how it will affect the General Fund.
  • Concerns regarding the rate structure for direct care workers.
  • Questions regarding the governor’s veto of work requirements for Medicaid recipients.
  • How human services programs can create a bridge to self-sufficiency.
  • Unreasonable delays in processing requests for vital records and funding to correct the problem.
  • Ensuring proper treatment for patients suffering from opioid addiction.
  • Achieving better healthcare outcomes through evidence-based medicine.
  • Measuring the cost and effectiveness of Centers of Excellence in treating addiction.
  • Early reports on the roll-out of the Community HealthChoices managed care program.
  • Measures in place to ensure patients are presented with all enrollment options for long-term care services.
  • Success of other states in implementing work requirements for able-bodied SNAP recipients.

Hearing Video  

Banking & Insurance

The Senate Appropriations Committee approved Senate Bill 257 on Tuesday. The bill increases parity in the eye care industry.

Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure

The Senate Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee approved House Bill 863 on Tuesday. The bill amends the Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act to increase the educational requirements for the salesperson license and to authorize brokers and salespersons to prepare Broker Price Opinions.

Environmental Resources & Energy

The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee approved House Bill 544 on Tuesday. The bill addresses the issue of recreational use and liability to protect landowners in the event of injuries to recreational users.


The Senate Judiciary Committee approved nine bills on Tuesday.

House Bill 56 provides access to adoption-related counseling services to birth parents who are considering relinquishing their parental rights.

House Bill 61 allows a correctional facility employee to serve as a witness when a birth parent who is incarcerated consents to an adoption.

House Bill 63 expands the definition of “intermediary” in adoption law to include an attorney or social worker who is acting in that capacity.

House Bill 289 adds reasonable living expenses incurred by a birth mother to the list of permissible reimbursable expenses paid by adoptive parents in an adoption.

Senate Bill 859 establishes a grant program to assist counties in diverting individuals with mental health problems from the criminal justice system.

Senate Bill 860 enacts the Criminal Justice and Addiction Treatment Act.

Senate Bill 884 makes changes for guardianship in Pennsylvania.

Senate Bill 922 creates the Court Assessment for Nonnarcotic Medication Substance Abuse Treatment Program. 

Senate Bill 1090 increases penalties for hazing and requires schools to have policies and reporting procedures in place to stop hazing.

State Government

The Senate State Government Committee approved two bills Tuesday.

Senate Bill 1078 allows municipalities and school districts to discuss security and safety matters in executive session.

House Bill 1793 creates the Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial.

The committee held a public hearing on Tuesday on four Senate bills that would change the process by which the Commonwealth establishes its Congressional Districts. Redistricting normally takes place every 10 years, following the U.S. Census, to reflect population changes both nationally and within the state.

Hearing Video & Written Testimony


The Senate Transportation Committee approved four bills on Monday.

House Bill 215 establishes Honoring Our Women Veterans and Recipients of Legion of Merit license plates.

Senate Bill 1080 renames a road.

Senate Bill 1091 provides for contributions for pediatric cancer research and establishes the Pediatric Cancer Research Fund.

House Bill 1414 authorizes visual and audible signals on emergency vehicles for additional fire personnel, flashing yellow and white lights on tow trucks, yellow strobe lights for solid waste collection vehicles, and mounted internal blue lights for volunteer firefighters. 

Community Calendar

The Northern Dauphin County Human Services Center is holding a Community and Career Fair on April 20 in Lykens. Find out about job openings and community volunteer opportunities. (Click below for details.)

Up Next

The Senate returns to voting session Monday, April 16 at 1 p.m. You can watch session live at

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